Where can I find Back Forty beer?
Check out the Find Our Beer map for locations that carry our beer. We recommend calling before hauling to ensure they have it in stock. With our seasonal beers, availability might be low. But, the best way to grab your favorite brew is to visit us here at the brewery!
Do you host events?
Please contact the appropriate Taproom Manager for more information on catering options and booking dates. For Gadsden, email events@backfortybeer.com.
For Birmingham, email events@backfortybham.com, For Huntsville, email Stephen at Back Forty Huntsville.
Are children welcome at the brewery?
Yes. Both Gadsden and Birmingham taprooms are kid-friendly, however, childish adults are forbidden.
Will you send me Back Forty beer labels, coasters or bottle caps for my collection?
That's kind of cheating, isn't it? We had to drink all the beers when we decorated our college apartment back in the day. But sure… Send a self-addressed and stamped envelope (SASE) to the Gadsden location with enough postage to get the items back to you and we will fill requests as excess packaging materials become available. Or visit our online store for more options.
Will you ship beer to me?
Unfortunately, we cannot, that's prohibited. But, we like the way you think! Request it at your favorite store or bottle shop and they will contact our distributors. To speak with our sales representative, please email brad@backfortybeer.com for more information.
Will you sponsor my event?
That's a firm maybe! Please fill out this form and email it to brad@backfortybeer.com for consideration.
How do I get a job at Back Forty?
For the Gadsden location, check out our latest job postings send your resume to info@backfortybeer.com
Can I bring my dog to the brewery?
Yes! We’re a group of dog lovers, but unfortunately, your puppy has to stay out on the front porch while you visit due to us serving food. We'll provide the H2O, collapsible water bowls for purchase, and mini pools. Visit us in Gadsden on the first Tuesday of every month for Yappy Hour!
Can my band play in the taproom?
Sure! Only if we can pay you in beer and food (just kidding). But, let's chat. Send your demo or mixtape to the appropriate Taproom Manager and see if you’re ready to share the stage that hosted Bernie Worrell, Jason Isbell and David CARN!
For Gadsden, email macon@backfortybeer.com.
For Birmingham, email events@backfortybham.com. For Huntsville, email Stephen.
Can we come take a tour of the brewery?
Yes. Tours are informal and at the discretion of the taproom or production staff when available. If you'd like to schedule a tour for a large group or reserve a time, contact macon@backfortybeer.com for Gadsden, and info@backfortybham.com for Birmingham. For Huntsville, email Stephen.
Can I buy a keg? How much beer can I buy today?
Alabama state law allows up to one case of beer per person per day to be purchased directly from the brewery. That means you can buy 288 ounces of product in growlers, cans, and bottles. Unfortunately because of the size limit, we cannot sell you kegs. But, we do have several local retailers that offer them; if you're in Gadsden, try Cash Saver.
I don't see my question here.
That’s probably because you just thought of it. Scroll down to the “Contact Us” form at the bottom of this webpage and drop us a line!